Raising families up.

The Family Tree leads Maryland in preventing child abuse, connects caring communities, and builds strong families to improve society for generations.
As the Maryland chapter of Circle of Parents, Parents as Teachers, Prevent Child Abuse America, and The National Exchange Club, we nurture hope where there may be none and give it room to grow and flourish.
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Programs for Families

Parenting Classes
Our parent education programs provide tools to raise happy, healthy and competent children, along with a community of support. We empower and educate parents and children in their home, school or community using structured curriculum and support groups.

Home Visits
Our parent education programs provide tools to raise happy, healthy and competent children, along with a community of support. We empower and educate parents and children in their home, school or community using structured curriculum and support groups.

Anger Management
Our parent education programs provide tools to raise happy, healthy and competent children, along with a community of support. We empower and educate parents and children in their home, school or community using structured curriculum and support groups.
Community & Professional Trainings

ACE Interface Project
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are traumatic events that occur in a child’s life. These events can include physical or sexual abuse, neglect, household dysfunction or witnessing violence. These types of events have a direct impact on children’s developing brains and can have negative health and well-being outcomes as an adult.

Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Training
The Family Tree serves as the lead agency of the multi-sector partnership – Maryland Partnership to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse – created to oversee the planning and implementation of The Enough Abuse Campaign. Its mission is to prevent child sexual abuse by engaging adults and mobilizing communities in effective prevention efforts at the state and local levels.
24-hour Parenting HelpLine
The Family Tree’s 24-hour Parenting HelpLine is designed for parents like you. We provide free and confidential advice, community resources, and support for parents and caregivers. Call now, or save the number in your contacts for when you really need us.

“When I started my parenting class at The Family Tree, I began to realize what it meant to be a good parent. I kept going to the classes and each week I learned new ways to raise my son. Before long, my friends at The Family Tree had helped me figure out my strengths and find the confidence to use them. For the first time, I saw the possibilities of a happy, healthy future with my son.”