Take a moment and take a deep breath. You have made it through the first week of school closings! Remember, no one is perfect, and everyone is feeling stressed with this new reality we are facing. You are not alone. Here are some tips as you prepare for week two staying at home. As always, if you feel overwhelmed, please call our 24/7 Parenting HelpLine at 1-800-243-7337. This will be hard, but we WILL get through this, together.
Below are some of the key tips originally posted on the parenting blog called “A Mothership Down”.

Kids thrive on routines and predictability
Kids need routine to feel safe, especially in this time of crisis. Be sure to set up regular times for going to bed, eating, bathing, socializing, and focusing on schoolwork. This will help keep children busy and their anxiety down!
Do schoolwork in reasonable increments
Do schoolwork at certain times of the day and in one place, this will help them focus. Do not expect your child to be able to focus all day, and allow them to take breaks. Keep following along on our social media to find educational resources!
Remember to cut your kids some slack at this time. This is not the time to focus on every negative behavior. Try to set some independent time for your children, you will need space from them, and they will need it from you.

Limit your child’s anxiety by managing your own
Kids hear everything, so be careful what you say to other adults when they are around. If you plan to talk to your child about Coronavirus, keep in mind their age. Check out these tips about talking to your kids about the virus.
Build in time to blow off some steam. Go outside, get some exercise, have a dance party!
Ask your kids to step up to the challenge
If they feel they have an important role to play in this time, it will help reduce stress!