Staff Spotlight: Christina Benson, Family Support Advocate

Here at The Family Tree, we are proud to offer a variety of home visiting services for families. These programs work to improve parenting techniques and encourage better communication between parents and children, all while in the comfort of their own homes.

In this environment, the families we serve often build strong relationships with our staff members and can be more comfortable asking the many questions a parent might have in a more personal setting. All of our home visitors have been highly trained and are experts in their fields; we are so proud of them and the work they do, assisting parents and caregivers to create thriving environments that meet the needs of their children.

Today, we are excited to introduce one of our amazing home visitors on staff, the one and only Christina Benson! Christina is a Family Support Advocate for our ABC program (Attachment, Bio-Behavioral, & Catch-up). This program is for parents of babies 6 to 18-months and has many unique components, including video recording of sessions. By reviewing footage of baby-parent interactions, communication can improve as parents better understand specific signals from the baby, and helps parents see the world through the perspective of their children.

Christina is extremely dedicated to the families she works with through the ABC program. She can usually be found running in and out of the office to the many home-visiting sessions she has each day. She meets with families once a week for 10-weeks to discuss nurturing techniques and following the child’s lead. For example, when an infant is sending signals that might push the caregiver away, that is typically when they need a nurturing response the most, and Christina helps caregivers recognize those moments and how to best react.

When asked about her favorite part about The Family Tree, she pointed to the people and co-workers she gets to work with every day. “I am learning so much by being around such amazing people who positively impact the communities and families we serve,” she said. “My co-workers seem to love what they do, and it shows through in their work with clients.” Christina hopes that we will continue to make a difference and be able to broaden our reach throughout the state of Maryland!

From all of us at The Family Tree, we are so grateful to have Christina and her warm smile out in the community and working hard to raise families up. Thank you Christina!

To request more information about this and other home visiting programs, or to make a referral, click here.

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